Owl and Cat Theatre, Melbourne. 20 June 2017. Referring as it does to specific instances of subjective conscious experience, the philosophical term “qualia”...
NICA National Circus Centre, Melbourne. 24 June 2017. National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA) has been training circus artists since 1999. NICA...
Sydney Opera House, Sydney. 15 May 2017 This glorious revival of Graeme Murphy’s Nutcracker: The Story of Clara by The Australian Ballet...
Chunky Move, Melbourne. June 1, 2017. It opens quietly. Then, a few seconds later, it moves, using the most basic language of...
Festival Theatre, Adelaide Festival Centre. 26 May 2017. Who doesn’t love the story of Matilda, the smart, bold and “a little bit...
NIDA’s Playhouse Theatre, Sydney. 13 May 2017. “Everyone tries their best to be a good person — but sometimes, we let the...
Roslyn Packer Theatre, Sydney. 29 April 2017. Sydney Dance Company’s latest work, Orb, was met with great anticipation and proved to be a...
Malthouse Theatre, Melbourne. 16 March 2017. Is there anything more narcissistic than an artist? How about an artist/philosopher? A really smart, self-aware,...
Dancehouse, Melbourne. March 19, 2017. Whenever we conceive of order, we are, by extension, also conceiving of chaos. Likewise with classic dualities...
Arts House, Melbourne. 17 March 2017. Lucy Guerin loves to deconstruct cultural phenomena in her work. In Spilt, presented as part of...
Arts Centre Melbourne, Melbourne. February 26, 2017. The tagline proclaims: “ecstatic music/dance ritual for non-believers”. For once, the marketing mavens may have...
Carriageworks, Sydney Festival, Sydney. January 27, 2017. Still Life was created by the multi-talented Dimitris Papaioannou, best known for his work in...
Everest Theatre, Seymour Centre, Sydney Festival, Sydney. January 25, 2017. As part of this year’s Sydney Festival, we were brought Institute by...
Carriageworks, Sydney Festival, Sydney. January 18, 2017. I had been anxiously awaiting this – Champions, presented by Form Dance Projects as part of...
Carriageworks, Sydney Festival, Sydney. January 15, 2017. As part of the 2017 Sydney Festival, Canada’s Company 605 brought us its Inheritor Album, an...
Sydney Lyric Theatre, Sydney Festival, Sydney. January 6, 2017. After completing successful seasons in Brisbane and Melbourne and with a prestigious Helpmann...
Seymour Centre, Sydney Festival, Sydney. January 11, 2017. Spectra is the inaugural work for North Queensland company Dancenorth’s newest artistic director, Kyle...
Carriageworks, Sydney. January 8, 2017. As part of this year’s Sydney Festival, Indonesia’s EkosDance Company brought us two intriguing dance works: first,...
Festival Theatre, Adelaide. January 6, 2017. If you love ’60s music and are looking for an energetic, entertaining evening at the theatre,...
Smith Auditorium Shore School, Sydney. December 18, 2016. The end of 2016 was truly a remarkable time for the directors of Ecole...
Dancehouse, Melbourne. November 27, 2016. The notion of durational performance is one packed with ironies. Indeed, we could very well argue that...
Carriageworks, Sydney. December 7, 2016. Sydney Dance Company’s Pre-Professional Year (PPY) 2016 Season showcased some very exciting performances and great talents of the...