This May, the Sydney Opera House’s UnWrapped series presents two new Australian works by critically acclaimed independent artists Mish Grigor and Thomas...
The Sydney Opera House has unveiled the latest instalment of live music, First Nations cabaret, contemporary dance and digital performance works-in-development as...
Sydney Opera House, Sydney.15 September 2019. DIRtywork is a most strong and striking environmental dance/lecture by Australian dance luminary Rosalind Crisp, presented as...
Sydney Opera House, Sydney. 8 August 2018. The audience are seated in the ‘Studio’ at the Sydney Opera House, where graduated seating...
Lucy Guerin’s work has been described as “poignant” and “provocative”, “contemporary dance that reaches back to the roots of ancient theatre”. Dance Informa...
Sydney Opera House, Sydney. 11 May 2018. Kristina Chan’s A Faint Existence originally premiered in 2016, and is now performed as part...
That Gideon Obarzanek is weaved into the very fabric of contemporary dance in this country is pretty well beyond question. Multiple Helpmann...
Yes, environment. No, not merely the reductionist narrative or narrow polemic of political theatre but the broader existential relationship we are all...