Capitol Theatre, Sydney.2 April 2024. The Capitol Theatre in Sydney became a portal to the vibrant era of the late 1950s as...
Hayes Theatre Co is thrilled to announce the musical phenomenon, Jekyll & Hyde, will be presented by Hayes later this year. Directed by globally...
Shrek the Musical is part romance, part twisted fairytale and, mostly, fun for everyone. The show has been proclaimed as “true happiness” by The...
If time is the ultimate distance, how far is 50 years? Amidst a slew of recent high profile golden jubilees (moon landing,...
Lyric Theatre, Sydney. 2 April 2019. As flashbacks from the last 40 years filled the screens at the Lyric Theatre in Sydney,...
Roslyn Packer Theatre, Sydney. 27 July 2017. From little things, big things grow. Beginning at the Adelaide Fringe Festival in 2015 to...
Let’s face it, lots of us have “found ourselves” through the agency of disco. Yes, it’s the particular liberation of dancing, but...