Artistic Directors of Hayes Theatre Co, Richard Carroll and Victoria Falconer, have announced seven exciting musicals, a new play with music and...
The beloved tale of Annie has been capturing the hearts of theatregoers around the globe for generations. And now the legendary, joyous and inspiring...
Nineteen 98 Productions in association with Hayes Theatre Co presents the Australian premiere of Half Time, a new musical directed by Helen Dallimore and...
The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted the Australian live entertainment industry, leaving thousands of gig-to-gig onstage and offstage professionals with unlimited unemployment....
By Belinda Adams. Chloe Thiel is an 11 year old girl who for the past 10 weeks has been on the ride...
Lyric Theatre, The Star January 4 2011 By Kristy Johnson. When it comes to a night of quality entertainment, Annie the musical...
The ever-popular Broadway musical Annie will light up Sydney’s Lyric Theatre from 29 December in an exciting new production produced John Frost....