The cast for the Australian premiere season of Elf: The Musical has been found. After a journey through the seven levels of...
On 19 January, award-winning musical Come From Away had its first performance in Australia 10 months since theatres were shut down due to COVID-19. The...
During the current COVID-19 restriction, the arts community has been compelled to move their creativity online due to the inability of people...
Comedy Theatre, Melbourne. 30 June 2018. Bonnie Lythgoe is a British dancer, producer and director well known for producing and adjudicating the...
2017 is set to be a big year for panto in Australia as it will be the first time that Bonnie Lythgoe...
RPG Productions will soon present the Australian premiere of Big Fish at Hayes Theatre Co. in Sydney from April 18 to May...
Theatre Royal, Sydney October 23, 2013 By Kristy Johnson. Based on the 1988 film starring Michael Caine and Steve Martin, this Sydney-based...