Parramatta Riverside Theatre October 27 2011 By Dolce Fisher The latest installment from youMove, presented by Form Dance Projects, showed how this...
Sydney Opera House July 2011 By Lynne Lancaster Belong gives us two very strong, exciting and powerful works from Bangarra in a...
By Rain Francis. Audition season is almost upon us – are you ready? Dance Informa wanted to give you a headstart with...
WIN A DOUBLE PASS TO…. Sutra – Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui / Antony Gormley with Monks from the Shaolin Temple Win 1 of...
The cultural dance phenomenon In Australia By Paul Ransom. Cultural dance; isn’t that what they used to call folk dancing? Or is...
Bangarra – Fire: A Retrospective Sydney Opera House August 2009 By Lynne Lancaster Happy Birthday Bangara! It is hard to believe that...