Marina Tamayo, renowned Flamenco choreographer and artist, is celebrated for her profound artistic expression. She is often described as possessing ‘duende’ –...
Last year, the Australian Dance Awards were cancelled for the foreseeable future, but with the COVID crisis reinvigorating the role of Ausdance...
Adult dance is one the fastest growing areas of dance class training. The benefits of dance for all populations is well documented....
Ausdance NSW exists to promote opportunities for dance in NSW. The organization runs a suite of programs from supporting professional dancers and...
After years of pretty ordinary monthly newsletters, things have definitely changed in the Ausdance NSW ranks. The newsletters are professional and up-to-date...
Find out what’s happening in New Zealand dance news this month! Auckland-based dancer Emma Cosgrave was the 2018 delegate for the Ausdance...
As part of a three-year initiative, Ausdance NSW is extending grants to dance artists looking to expand their work and practice beyond...
Space is premium for dance artists. They need studio space to develop ideas, create new works and rehearse. As part of the...
“Innovation” is a buzz word right now, thrown about by politicians and jargon junkies with such abandon that it has become very...
Michelle Silby is leading the way for dance advocates in New South Wales and Victoria, having recently taken on the directorship of...
The Performance Lineup has been Announced! Artistic Director of the Australian Dance Awards, Anton, is extremely excited about this year’s program. “The...