
Chloe Lukasiak of hit TV show Dance Moms

By Kristy Johnson.

With the first and second seasons of Dance Moms showing on Foxtel viewers can take a leap into the world of competitive dance. Set in Pittsburgh’s renowned Abby Lee Dance Company, the series follows young dancers’ steps on the road to stardom, and the mothers who are there for every rehearsal and performance.

Here we chat with breakout star Chloe, on what it’s like to become an instant fan favourite.

How have you enjoyed being on the TV show ‘Dance Moms’? Do you find it nerve-wracking having cameras around?

It’s really cool to get to see yourself and your friends on TV each week. At first, the cameras made it a little nerve-wracking, but we are really used to them now. Actually, sometimes I forget just how many people are going to see us dance!

Do you get along well with the other dancers from your school?

Yes! We are like sisters. We love each other and try to be supportive.

Chloe Lukasiak of Dance Moms

Chloe Lukasiak of Dance Moms. Photos courtesy of Anderson Group PR

Do you love getting your hair and makeup done?

Yes, I love it! My mum is a hair expert and I get to do my own stage makeup now, except for eyelashes. Gluing those on can be tricky.

Becoming an instant fan favourite with over 130,000 Twitter fans must feel surreal! How important are your fans to you?

I love all my fans! It’s so flattering to hear people say they look up to me. So I try really, really hard to be a good role model. I always remember that our fans are what makes the show successful.

Were you surprised at all the support you’ve been receiving?

Yes, I never expected it! I mean I’m just a regular girl who loves to dance!

Do you find it hard balancing school work with the TV show, and the pressures that surround competitive dance?

My life is pretty much the same as always, just now with cameras. I’ve been balancing dance and school my whole life.

What is your favourite style of dance, and why do you love it so much?

I love lyrical because it’s pretty and tells a story. I also love musical theatre because you get to use personality and play a character.

What’s the best piece of advice your teacher Abby Miller has ever given you?

Point your toes! (laughs).

Your mum must be so proud of you. What does she think of all the success you have been having?

She cries! (laughs). I think she has a hard time believing that this is all really happening.

When you have spare time, what do you love to do?

I love to shop, read fashion magazines and put together cute outfits. I love to read books and watch movies with my dad. I also like to play with my little sister Clara.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I’d like to be on Broadway or be a Rockette in New York City. Plus, I’d love to be an actress. Then, when I retire from all of that, I want to be a pediatrician and a mum. A dance mum, of course!

How did you come up with the idea of a jewellery line for kids?

Maddie (Ziegler), from my school, and I just thought it would be cool if there was a way to show your wins, because you can’t carry around big trophies! So we thought it would be cool if there were charms to show what you got at a dance competition and you could wear them on a bracelet. We also really like designing charms that are special to us, like our ‘Black Swan’ duet. There are so many cool ones. I can’t decide which I love the best!

Dance Moms airs on Foxtel’s Lifestyle You.

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