Parramatta Riverside Theatre
October 27 2011
By Dolce Fisher
The latest installment from youMove, presented by Form Dance Projects, showed how this company has graduated to the next level. Previously being known in the community as a youth dance company, youMove has taken its place as a pre-professional company offering real opportunities, training and mentorship for its dancers. youMove has a very different vibe to that of other small companies of a similar nature. This can only be put down to its leadership under Kay Armstrong and her generational vision.
4Tell featured five small works, each very individual in theme visually and artistically. Interjected between each work were short solos that came out of the company’s blog. These were highly entertaining and well-rehearsed.
The show opener was Boundaries choreographed by Ian Colless. The work showed his Bangarra background. The dancers captured the style and the smooth quality of the movement and were really grounded into the floor.
Next, Kevin Privett’s work By Looking featured twisting and swirling effects created by the dancers’ movements. The creative lift work was an intriguing and integral part of the choreography.
youMove dancer Angela French choreographed and performed a solo work entitled 3rd Time Over. The movement had a repetitive nature but a very deep emotional element made the work very intense.
Last Pace to Go, danced by Anna Healey and Sean Marcs, was a virtual work choreographed by Davis Williams. The dancers and choreographer used Skype to bring the work together, showing how we can take advantage of technology to develop our art. The choreography was extremely intimate and showed many facets of a relationship. The work was performed so well that at times I felt like the moments created were really just for the pair, and not the audience. The feeling of looking into the pair’s relationship became very real.
Lastly, Anton’s Multiplicity was precision perfection. There was one section that had all of the dancers moving their arms frantically in a circular motion, incredibly fast. This alone had me on the edge of my seat.
4Tell is an exciting sign of what is to come from this company, going from strength to strength and producing some talented young artists. The only downside was that the season was so short and wasn’t seen by more audiences in Sydney, across NSW and the rest of the country.
Photo: Wendy McDougall