Dance News Australia

Help Starlight Connect Sick Kids to the Joy of Christmas by bidding for a signed Britney dancer tee!

It’s that time of year again where we all start to think about friends, family and special times together. Imagine how different Christmas might be for a child with a serious illness.

Every day during this Christmas period over 400 seriously ill children will be admitted to hospitals across Australia. Starlight needs to raise $1.5 million to connect every child to the joy of Christmas.

During Britney Spear’s Circus Tour in Australia, the tour dancers gave generously through supporting Starlight’s Christmas Appeal on Channel Nine’s The Today Show. The dancers hung out, performed a routine, and put a smile on the faces of seriously ill and hospitalised children. Give generously this Christmas, and place your bid for a signed Britney dancer tee today!

Follow the link below to watch the auction unfold on Ebay:

For more information, please contact:
Jemma Hawksford, Starlight Children’s Foundation, 02 8425 5933 /
Kristy Johnson, Dance & Entertainment Journalist, 0416 288 775 /


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