
Happy ending for 24th International Solo Dance Theatre Festival Stuttgart 2020

Tin Yeung Huen. Photo by Jo Grabowski.
Tin Yeung Huen. Photo by Jo Grabowski.

After the 24th International Solo Dance Theatre Festival Stuttgart 2020 had to be cancelled in March, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the competition now took place for the first time as an online event only, from 25 – 28 June. 

“We are happy and relieved that we were able to hold the competition in this form,” said Festival Director Gudrun Hähnel. “Of course, the digital platform cannot replace the personal experience. We are all looking forward to the award winners’ gala on November 13 and 14, at the TREFFPUNKT Rotebühlplatz.” 

The jury decided on the winners on Sunday, June 28. They come from Germany, Sweden, Turkey, Israel, Burkina Faso and China. The prizes for the categories dance and choreography are worth between 1,500 and 3,500 Euro. They have been sponsored by the City of Stuttgart and the Ministry for Science, Research and Art, Baden-Wuerttemberg. The audience awards and the Eastman Prize Stuttgart had to unfortunately be cancelled this year due to current events. There are two residence awards, awarded by the Ballet Theater Pforzheim and the Theater Plauen-Zwickau. The latter goes to Turkey, the former to Germany. In addition to that, Nicole Weyandt and Michael Deiml, sponsors of the Public First Choice Prize, decided spontaneously after the online award ceremony to give a personal prize worth 300 Euro each to Alina Belyagina (Russia) and Marcin Motyl (Poland). 

The winners of the 24th International Solo Dance Theatre Festival Stuttgart 2020 are: Muhammed Kaltuk of Turkey (1st Prize Choreography and Residence Prize Theater Plauen-Zwickau), Cassandra Arnmark of Sweden (2nd Prize Choreography and 1st Prize Dance), Tin Yeung Huen of China (3rd Prize Choreography), Anat Oz of Israel (2nd Prize Dance), Tassembédo Evariste Mathieu Lamoussa of Burkina Faso (3rd Prize Dance) and Sebastian Abarbanell of Germany (Residence Prize Theater Pforzheim). 

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