Find out what’s happening in the New Zealand dance scene this month!
After returning from a tour of Germany and The Hague, performing to standing ovations, the New Zealand Dance Company received another fantastic review from a performance in Wellington. The review (by Ann Hunt) of Lumina, called the company “superb ambassadors” of their homeland:
“We, as New Zealanders, should be very proud of this company.”
Lumina consists of three new works: an international commission by an American born Dutch choreographer, Stephen Shropshire, and two by New Zealand choreographers, Louise Potiki Bryant and Malia Johnston.
Several hip hop crews from Street Dance NZ have qualified to compete for the world title in Las Vegas in August: Bubblegum, Kaleidoskope, Khaos (Juniors); Sorority, De Visu, Masque (Varsity); Swarm, VIP, Boys Squad (Adults); Royal Family, ID Company, The Capital (Megacrew). Congratulations and chookas from everyone at Dance Informa!
Dance Aotearoa New Zealand (DANZ) has farewelled Gaylene Sciascia and Board Chair Beverley Edlin and welcomed four new members: Sheryl Lowe (Wellington), Doreen Bestmann (Christchurch), Teokotai Paitai (Ta’i) (Auckland) and Merenia Gray (Wellington/Auckland). The new members will be joining Karen Fraser-Payne, Kristal Snow, Perry Walker and Jonathan Baker, who will be taking over the role of chair.
Initiated by DANZ, For the Love of Dance in Aotearoa is a nationwide video project which aims to elevate the presence of dance in New Zealand. Ten groups from around the country showed their passion for the art form with some choreography, which was then collated into a video and released on International Dance Day (29 April) during NZ Dance Week. The groups came from Auckland, Waiheke Island, Hamilton, New Plymouth, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. The music was provided by Pati Umaga, and the video was edited by Mark Tantrum.
Korari Workshop Exploring Maori Contemporary Dance will take place next month. It’s the first of a new initiative by DANZ – a programme of professional development to upskill secondary teachers delivering dance in the classroom. The workshop will be in two parts and led by Tanemahuta Gray, a dance professional, and Linzi Heighway, a dance educator. Both practitioners will link the workshop to NCEA work.
A minimum of 15 participants will be required for the workshop to proceed. For more information or to register for the workshop, contact Faye Jansen: Ph: 04-801 9885 / Email: Date: Tue 12 Jul 2016, 09:30am – 3pm. Venue: TBC, Wellington. Cost: $250 (Discount early bird price of $200 if booked before 17 June.)

Dancers Cuba and Zilly. Photo courtesy of Unitec.
Unitec is now accepting enrolments for its annual Winter Workshop. One of the brightest stars in the winter sky, Takurua is the inspiration for the workshop. It promises three amazing days of energy, creativity and dance. Discover contemporary technique, muscle and bone, repertoire, choreography and street dance, a Q&A and showings by current Unitec students.
Date: Tue 19 Jul 2016, 09:00 am – Thu 21 Jul 2016, 05:00 pm. Venue: Unitec Dance Studios, Carrington Rd Mt Albert, Auckland. Cost: $50-$120. Year 12 and 13 students preferred (as preparation for the Auditions for 2017 being held this Labour Weekend in October). Full participation recommended. Limited places, so BOOK NOW.
Download registration form and email to Peter Rees Find out more about New Zealand’s leading Contemporary Dance and Choreography programme: or
By Rain Francis of Dance Informa.
Photo (top): New Zealand Dance Company in ‘Lumina’. Photo courtesy of NZDC.