Dance Through Time
NIDA Parade Theatre
November 16 2012
By Linda Badger.
It’s that time of the year, where all the full time schools have the chance to showcase their work and put on display their students who have been through the transformational process that full time dance training brings.
One of the most anticipated of the annual graduation showcases is the Ev & Bow Full Time Dance Training Centre performance. Students in this particular course not only refine their current abilities, but learn a torrent of new exciting skills, which are greatly anticipated by the audience. This year was once again packed full of surprises and overall the show was an entertaining one of a good length and full of variety from an array of talented choreographers.
There were several standout numbers including a trademark, incredibly creative Stephen Tannos piece entitled She Wolf, which left the audience speechless throughout. It was so captivating in its storytelling, and the applause that followed nearly brought the house down. Tannos’ choreography goes from strength to strength with each piece he creates.
Standout student Forever Tupou was featured in many items, which was no surprise considering her phenomenal performance ability, quirky personality and amazing versatility. She also performed a solo reworked by director Sarah Boulter, which she had originally performed for her SYTYCD audition years ago. It was spine-tingling.
The disappointment in this year’s show was the lack of ‘gravity defying’ work displayed. We usually see tumbling and performances including the many unique skills that the students learn at Ev & Bow.
Lisa Bowmer’s number Hallelujah was a great piece that sat comfortably on the stronger, more technically trained students, showing the originality of choreography that we have come to know and love from this course, as did the final item choreographed by Sarah Boulter.
Overall the show was enjoyable, entertaining and full of the creativity that is the signature of Ev & Bow. It was a nice surprise to see some dancers who have had most of their training in hip hop take on a course like this and come out much more versatile dancers for it. Whether they choose to continue to pursue hip hop, theatre, or contemporary dance, this course has proven that hard work and dedication can pay off, and that anything is possible. With results like this after one year the sky is the limit if they continue to pursue their training and dreams for the next 1, 2, 5 or 10 years.
Photo: Ev & Bow student William Keohavong