Melbourne, March 19–20 2011
In association with Dance Massive, the National Dance Forum – a project of the Australia Council and Ausdance National – will gather together an exciting, nation-wide mix of dancers, choreographers, curators, critics and collaborators in a lively discussion over two days in March, at Arts House North Melbourne Town Hall.
It is the first national forum of its kind for many years, and its overarching aim is to provide an opportunity for the dance sector to reflect on the state of dance practice in Australia now, and to chart a course for the future. The full forum program and list of speakers is now online at
Facilitator: Kristy Edmunds
Raymond Blanco in conversation with Lee Christofis
Kate Champion in conversation with Chrissy Sharp
Pichet Klunchun (Thailand) in conversation with Tang Fu Kuen (Singapore).
Full event registration is $85 for individuals. For organisations the registration is $330 for the first person and $110 for each additional person. One day registrations are available for individuals $45. Numbers are limited, so register early to ensure a place.
Registration and further information is available at
Who should attend?
Dance artists
Tertiary students
Curators, programmers and festival directors
Producers, company managers, arts workers and funders
The National Dance Forum is a project of Ausdance National and the Australia Council for the Arts, in association with Dance Massive. Pichet Klunchun is a Kenneth Myer Asian Theatre Series Artist in Residence at the Arts Centre Melbourne. Further support provided by Arts House and the City of Melbourne, Arts Queensland, Arts SA and the Department of Culture and the Arts WA.