In a major win for the Sydney arts community, the world-renowned ballet and dance school, Tanya Pearson Academy (TPA), has relocated to...
The globally renowned Tanya Pearson Academy (TPA) based in Sydney, has recently announced the appointment of Lisa-Maree Cullum as artistic director of...
“Ballet and music are everything to me. The moment I hear ballet music, I forget about everything else. It is like another...
Although coronavirus has heavily impacted the dance industry, both in Australia and globally, for those of us considering full time training, now...
A career as a professional dancer is notoriously fraught. You hear stories of very short careers, often due to burnout, injury or...
Many a talented Australian ballet student has gone overseas in pursuit of their dreams only to have the dream unravel — after...
If you’re a Sydney-based dance teacher looking for ways to collaborate and stay inspired, look no further! Sydney North Public Schools Committee...