This May, the Sydney Opera House’s UnWrapped series presents two new Australian works by critically acclaimed independent artists Mish Grigor and Thomas...
Campbelltown Arts Centre, Sydney.7 March 2024. Raghav Handa is an acclaimed Indian Australian choreographer, whose latest work The Assembly, presented by and...
Book: Dance Cultures Around the WorldAuthor: Lynn E. Frederiksen and Shih-Ming Li Chang, Human Kinetics, July 2023. Edited by Lynn E. Frederiksen...
There is increasing interest for delivery of different modes of engagement in arts for children and families, but also for older adults. Whilst...
Dancehouse, Melbourne.23 February 2024. It begins slowly, with dancers’ bodies cloaked, obscured. The score hovers, the white stage bordering on sterile. But...
Arts House, Melbourne.20 February 2024. Question. What makes a cuddle a cuddle, as opposed to something more amorous? Answer. Context. As dance...
Step into the studio with Dance Life, the TV series that’s lighting up Amazon Prime, giving you a front-row seat to the hustle...
Natalie Weir is perhaps one of Australia’s most lauded choreographers. In demand with companies both domestically and internationally, this Queenslander has created works of...
Graeme Murphy, Christopher Wheeldon, Andy Blankenbuehler, Wayne McGregor, Christopher Gattelli, Stephen Page and Benjamin Curé. We spoke to the Director of Lion...
Dancers, no matter where they come from, have many things in common. They’re passionate, hard workers and, however their dance journey has...
Concert Hall, Sydney Opera House, Sydney.17 January 2024. The Sydney Opera House Concert Hall witnessed an explosion of raw energy and cultural...
The Joffrey Ballet School (JBS), New York will return to Australia this April with its popular masterclass audition series at Energetiks VDF24....
Carriageworks, Sydney.6 December 2023 Sydney Dance Company is celebrating a decade of New Breed this December, an annual season of works by...
To say 2023 was a successful year for Australasian Dance Collective (ADC) is an understatement. Led by Artistic Director Amy Hollingsworth, the...
Another year has (so quickly) passed, and 2024 is right around the corner. It’s a great time to reflect on the past...
Neilson Studio, Sydney Dance Company.1 November 2023. Sydney Dance Company debuted Rafael Bonachela’s new work Somos in the Neilson Studio Theatre at...
The mainstay of Sydney’s high summer season, Sydney Festival, sails back this January with a first class line-up of world premieres, extraordinary...
Neilson Studio at Sydney Dance Company, Sydney.1 November 2023. The world premiere and opening night of Somos – which translates to “we are” in...
Neilson Studio, Sydney Dance Company, Sydney.15 September 2023. After a short but successful run in 2022, Paulina Quinteros’ Water Mirror made a...
Social, folk or theatrical; dance activity often coalesces around groups and organisations (associations, troupes, companies, etc.). What this entails is a level...
Find out what’s happening in New Zealand dance news! The Royal New Zealand Ballet (RNZB) has anounced the appointment of its new...
Lizzie Gough is working as assistant choreographer to Kate Prince on Message In a Bottle, coming to the Sydney Opera House this...