Melbourne International Comedy Festival
The Famous Spiegeltent
April 16, 2014
By Rain Francis of Dance Informa.
It’s impossible to go into the Famous Spiegeltent and not have fun. It’s like a secret little world where anything can happen – usually something magical. This time, it came in the form of a disco especially created for under fives, and their accompanying tall people.
I lined up with my four-year-old niece, resplendent in glittering pink ballet flats (her – not me), amongst the usual assortment of happy, chattering toddlers and their tantrum-throwing counterparts. Once we stepped inside, though, all the kids were restored to an equilibrium of wide-eyed wonder. Lights of pink and blue flashed across the circular dance floor as the party-goers tottered around, checking out their strange new surroundings.
On stage, behind the decks, was DJ Monski Mouse, who’d be spinning the party tunes for us. With her ’50s polka dot party frock and black hair bunched into two high, spherical buns, Monski looked just like another famous mouse we all recognised.
Our host cranked out a mixture of age-appropriate classic hits (The Jackson Five’s ABC) and current kids’ songs (something about a dinosaur going “ROAR!”). She encouraged the adults to lead by example and get down with the kids. There were some action songs which we all joined in on, and even a bit of storytelling/interpretive dance action.
Going to an under-fives’ dance party is definitely one of the more surreal things I’ve done on a Wednesday morning (I’m only an aunty, remember, not a mum) but I know my four-year-old playdate had the best time ever. If you have a friend or relative in the under-five category, I highly recommend you treat him or her to this fun experience next time DJ Monski Mouse rolls into town.
Photo (top): Monski Mouse’s Baby Disco Dancehall. Photo courtesy of Monski Mouse.