
AICD International Ballet Awards

By Dolce Fisher.

The Australian Institute of Classical Dance (AICD) has been running the International Ballet Awards since 2009. This year the event will take place in Adelaide on October 6th and 7th.  Formerly it has been held in Perth with young dancers enjoying great success on and off the competition stage, such as former second place winner, Satoko Konishi of Japan who is now dancing with the Houston Ballet company, in America.

The AICD was formed in 1991 by a true lady of dance Marilyn Jones OBE, with the vision to encourage all facets of classical dance in Australia. The International Ballet Awards provide major assistance to students wishing to pursue further dance education and become professional dancers, with the outright winner receiving a cash prize of $7,500. The second place dancer wins $2,000 and the third place getter takes home $1,000.

The competition is open to dancers from the age of 15-21. The AICD International Ballet Awards follow a similar structure of other popular scholarship competitions. The dancers must participate in a class viewed by the judging panel, perform a classical repertoire solo and a contrasting contemporary solo. This year the judges consist of the AICD’s Artistic Director Marilyn Jones, The Australian Ballet’s Artistic Director David McAllister and Leigh Warren of Leigh Warren & Dancers.

Australian Institute of Classical Dance International Ballet AwardsThe major sponsor for the awards this year is Westminster School, a prestigious, private R-12 school based in Marion, Adelaide. The school’s massive contribution and support for the event is vital. The school will provide the theatre for the performances and onsite accommodation for the dancers at a very reasonable price of $45 per night, with meals ranging from only $12-$25. Taking part in scholarship competitions of this nature is often extremely expensive, but with an entry fee of only $65, the low cost to compete in AICD’s Awards is a huge draw card for competitors.

This event is not to be missed by young and serious dancers pursuing a career in the industry. If you didn’t know about this chance to enhance your future it’s not too late. The closing date for applications is not until August 31. The AICD’s South Australian representative, Barbara Komazec says “we want the dancers to enjoy the event”, so hurry up and get involved.

For further details contact www.ballet.org.au

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