
English National Ballet’s Teo Dubreuil

By Deborah Searle.

When English National Ballet toured to The Concourse, Chatswood in Sydney last month, audiences were in rapture. The dancers of English National Ballet are some of the best in the world.

One such dancer is young Teo Dubreuil, Artist of the Company, who after starting dancing at age six and training at the Henwood School of Dance and Royal Ballet School, joined English National Ballet just last year.

Dance Informa spoke to Teo in break between performances.

How did you enjoy performing in Australia?

I have loved being able to perform in Australia, it has been an incredible experience. It’s also been really nice performing at The Concourse.

Was this your first visit to Australia?
This is my first time visiting Australia so I have been trying to see as much of Sydney as possible! I would love to come back and dance in many more cities.

What was your favourite ballet to perform and why?

I have only been with the company for five months so I haven’t been able to experience performing any three act ballets yet. I have enjoyed performing Suite en Blanc and Rite of Spring with the company.

What has been the highlight of the Australian tour for you?

The highlight of the tour for me has been performing the Pas de Cinq in Suite en Blanc and feeling the warmth from the Australian public towards the company.

What inspired you to start dancing?

Both of my parents were ballet dancers so I have been around ballet from an early age.

What inspires you to continue today?

For me, it’s the feeling I get when I go on stage. Nothing will ever beat the buzz you get before a performance! I also love how I am able to express myself through dance.

What advice would you give to a young male dancer who’d one day like to join a professional company?

By all means follow your dream, but you have to work very, very hard! Natural talent nowadays isn’t enough.

Since joining English National Ballet in 2011, what has been your highlight so far?

My highlight has been being chosen to be part of the group to come on tour to Australia, as this is my first international tour.

Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years?

In five years I would like to be a leading dancer with English National Ballet or another international company. My goals are to perform all the classic ballets and work with exciting choreographers. I would also love to have a ballet created for me.

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