April 8 to 14 2012
Ausdance NSW will present the Australian Youth Dance Festival 2012, hosted at NAISDA, Australia’s National Indigenous Dance Training Institution, situated at Mt Penang Parklands, near Gosford, NSW. The Festival will be presented during the NSW Easter school holiday period from Sunday 8 April to Saturday 14 April.
Dance to Discover is an exciting week-long dance intensive workshop which provides a unique opportunity for young people to have access to some of the finest dance experiences available in Australia. The AYDF is unique in its structure, and the way in which it allows young people to engage in creative exchange with professional dancers and choreographers, and their peers. The AYDF takes place in a supportive, non-competitive environment that encourages participation and learning. The AYDF program includes dance workshops in a wide variety of styles, choreographic activities and performances led by significant Australian professional dance artists.
Choreographic sessions throughout the week will culminate in the creation of a new site-specific dance work, Shades of Us, at Mt Penang Gardens with all participants. The Artistic Director for this work is Rowan Marchingo (NSW), whose national and international professional experience includes performing, choreographing and directing productions that range from large scale site-specific aerial works to intimate works of theatre. The team of choreographers and tutors includes; Philip Channells – Artistic Director Restless Dance Theatre, Vicki Van Hout (NSW), Kay Armstrong – Artistic Director youMove Company (NSW), Lee Pemberton – Artistic Director Fling Physical Theatre and Ingrid Kleinig – Legs on The Wall, with others to be announced.
“The Australian Youth Dance Festival is a fantastic opportunity for young people to engage with professional choreographers over five days of intensive training, creative development and performance. One of the principal aims of the festival is to broaden the experience and knowledge of dance and choreographic practice for young dancers”, says Rowan Marchingo.
For more details and to register visit www.ausdancensw.com.au/Aydf2012RegistrationsOpen/