Spring Dance
Sydney Opera House – Studio
August 27
By Dolce Fisher
Well I liked ‘I Like This’!
Chunky Move’s new work is a perfect example of what can be created when two people brainstorm a brilliant concept and work to see it come to life. ‘I Like This’ was shaped around the creative process behind choreography. Stripped bare from the technology that us audiences have grown so used to, it is actually the simplicity of the work what makes it so different. There are no ‘costumes’, just some hand held lights, a few chairs and a sound system. ‘I Like This’ proves that you don’t need a big budget to create ground breaking new work.
The artists’ theatrical performances must be commended, showing their full talent as artists rather than just dancers. Choreographers/performers Antony Hamilton and Byron Perry highlighted so many different elements of the choreographic process and executed them with humour and a little mischief.
The show has been impeccably rehearsed. The timing of the all the positioning and the lighting required perfection and this couldn’t be faulted throughout the performance.
There is a great rebound effect created with dialogue shared throughout, from the choreographers, dancers and audience. The audience are included in the process, almost making it feel interactive.
This work is definitely more suited to an audience of other dancers/performers, as we instantly resonate with the creative process and understand the humour behind it. However, if you take a non-dancer friend along with you they’ll still have a laugh and enjoy the show. Go and see ‘I Like This’. I hope you like it too!