By Regina Green
Each July, Geelong Dance Network in Victoria holds the Splash!dance Festival, including classes and workshops, showcases, and the Australian Choreographic Competition (ACC). Entrants to the competition compete in two categories – Category 1 (15-19 years) and Category 2 (19 years and over) – for a total prize pool of $4,500.
This year, ACC drew entrants from all over Australia, and one from New Zealand. Unfortunately, due to Tiger Airways cancelling several flights, a number of these participants, including the New Zealand choreographer, were forced to pull out.
The judging panel for this year’s competition included Chairperson Cheryl Brown, Ausdance National Director Julie Dyson and tertiary arts educator and researcher, Rosemary Bennett. For the Category 1 submissions, they were on the lookout for the following criteria: varying use of space (levels and pathways), varying use of time (tempo, rhythm and accent), varying use of energy, complexity of movement vocabulary and a logical development of content. For Category 2, they looked for clarity of intent, originality of movement vocabulary, spatial organisation, complexity of rhythmic range and complexity of dynamic range.
The winner of Category 1 and Category 2 respectively, took home $1,500 and $2,000, while the runner up in each category won $500. The audience also had the chance to vote for their favourite piece. The choreographer with the most votes in each category took home some dance supplies.
Category 1
1st: Nicholas Maguire (Victoria)
Runner Up: Miranda Pertzel (New South Wales)
People’s Choice: Brittany Page (Victoria) and Michael Ramsey (Victoria)
Category 2
1st: Carmelo Mantarro (Victoria)
Runner Up: Marissa Yeo (Victoria)
Honourable Mention: Erin Tunbridge (Queensland)
People’s Choice: David Denis (New South Wales)