Dance News Australia

Big News for ED5

Sydney’s ED5INTERNATIONALwill be starting 2011 with a bang, after twenty years as a leader in quality dance education. Here’s the news from Director Elena De Cinque.

So what’s the big news at ED5?
William Forsythe and Mario De Cinque are very excited about celebrating 20 Years of Junior School, 10 Years of our Certificate IV-Full-TimeCourse and the commencement of our new ED5INTERNATIONAL’S VETAB Government Accredited Diploma in Performing Arts.

How will your new VETAB Accredited Diploma affect dancers who want career success?
Performers who want a successful career now not only have the opportunity to be trained and completely prepared for agents and the entertainment industry, they are able to continue their training whilst working and also increase their career longevity. We are very privileged to have industry and agent support for our courses and the manner in which we deliver them.

What’s the difference between taking an accredited course, versus just taking a year of full time dance?
Evidently there is a difference between an accredited course and doing full-time dance for a year or two. Firstly, let us establish that both our courses are not dance only. The courses have been written and delivered and are owned solely by ED5INTERNATIONAL. They include dance, vocal, acting and all the other units necessary to prepare and produce a polished and employment ready performer.

An accredited course also means that it is a nationally recognised qualification. Students are able to extend their studies and training in other university related courses and more importantly it is constantly monitored and evaluated by the Government to ensure quality control for every possible aspect. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing a non-accredited full-time dance course, the more training the better, but you fundamentally need to know your intention, goal and desired result.

Who will be taking the course?
The Diploma will consist of naturally our current Certificate IV graduates moving to their second year, other Certificate IV graduates and many performers who are already working in the industry and want to maintain and extend their craft.  Entry to our courses is via audition only.

We currently have ED5INTERNATIONALgraduates in many musicals as leads and ensemble across the country. Our students have contracts with Universal Studios, Macau, Moulin Rouge and cruise liners and some are even extending their studies at the Drama Academy in New York. Students have also been featured in the SYTYCD Top 20 and the upcoming Happy Feet 2 movie sequel.

Visit ED5’s website for more information and go and see the 2010 Graduation Performance at the Parade Theatre-NIDA (8th and 9th December).



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