In the ever-evolving world of dance, the relationships built over the years often foster the most inspiring collaborations. This is undoubtedly true...
As a universal language, dance transcends borders and cultures, fostering a vibrant exchange of creative energy. This principle lies at the heart...
The Margot Fonteyn International Ballet Competition, named after famed ballerina Margot Fonteyn DBE, also the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD)’s longest serving...
Find out what’s happening in New Zealand dance news! The Royal New Zealand Ballet’s (RNZB) spectacular programme of three ballets – Venus Rising – will...
“Ballet and music are everything to me. The moment I hear ballet music, I forget about everything else. It is like another...
From 18 – 28 November, the New Zealand School of Dance (NZSD) will present alternating performances of ballet and contemporary dance. There & Then...
Find out what’s happening this month in New Zealand dance news! October saw The New Zealand Dance Company (NZDC) on its annual Tāmaki Tour, performing Matariki...
Tamas Detrich has had a virtuosic career with Stuttgart Ballet. As a principal artist he has performed leading roles in all the...
By Rain Francis of Dance Informa. After a very successful dance career at the Paris Opera Ballet, Jacques Marsa has become one...
By Rebecca Martin. Two of Stuttgart Ballet’s rising stars, Daniel Camargo and Elisa Badenes, journeyed to Melbourne to perform at The Australian...